Uncovering the criminals’ hidden money

My role

I was the sole lead UX designer for the six month project.

Main goal

Increase Featurespace’s financial growth by reducing customer exposure to damaging fines caused by breaching AML regulations.


Work within the constraints and risks of pivoting a card fraud offering into an anti-money laundering solution while making the experience compelling enough to assist with winning a foothold in the market.


The number of early adopters provided the commercial case for addressing experience constraints with a version two.

  • 33% of suspicious activity reports processed 30 days earlier than before
  • 95% reduction in false positives

Case study focus


Making neighbourhoods safer by predicting crime and deterring criminals

My role

I was the sole lead UX designer for the nine month project.

Main goal

Provide information to patrol officers on where and when they should position themselves during their shifts to provide the maximum deterrent to criminals.


First of a kind project using predictive analytics to allow patrol officers to do more with less in a time of budget cuts.


100 million people became aware of predictive crime analytics when it was given a big reveal in a 30 second Super Bowl advert, highlighting crime reductions of up to 30 per cent among participating police departments.

Case study focus